Tuesday 7 February 2012

GIANT Embaressment for Gisele

This past weekend a record 111.3 million people tuned in to watch one of the biggest events of the year.  Fanatic fans and Super Bowl party goers alike watched as the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots 21-17.  There was a lot of hype surrounding both teams’ quarterbacks leading up to the big game; Tom Brady and Eli Manning.  But with the ‘W’ going to The Giants on Sunday’s game, it appears that Eli Manning came out on top, receiving MVP, not to mention a new Corvette. 

With another Super Bowl all wrapped up, Giants fans are free to celebrate and gloat for year, while Patriots fans are bummed, angry, or even play everyone’s favourite game; the blame game! And it appears that no one will play it better  this year than Tom Brady’s wife, Gisele Bundchen. 

After the game fans reportedly heckled the supermodel, crying out "Eli rules!" and "Eli owns your husband," Bundchen kept a tight smile on her face and kept walking (classy move I must say, unfortunately that class didn’t last too long). 

While waiting for the elevator, she let some of those pent up frustrations fly,

"You have to catch the ball when you're supposed to catch the ball," she said angrily to those around her.

"My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can't believe they dropped the ball so many times."

I’m all for showing support for your husband Gisele, and  to be honest, who hasn’t gone off on a bit of a tirade before, the only difference being when us less famous, non supermodel, people with non pro athletes spouses go on a tangent, there aren’t reporters and cameras around to capture our every word.  Sorry Gisele, but maybe next time when you want to give your opinion on the game, don’t chirp your husband’s own team, that doesn’t look good on anyone, especially you.
Heres a small clip of Gisele going off after being chirped by some Giant's fans...

1 comment:

  1. It is refreshing to see a wife/significant other of a sports star who is passionate and cares about their partner's sport and profession. Props to Giselle for being upset too!
