Tuesday 13 March 2012

Power House Athlete Couples

Well, we all knew the time would come...As this semester and fabulous assignment (that may have become a new summer hobby for me) draw to a close, I’d like to end in true popculture fashion.  Going back to the foundation of this blog and rating top athletes based on the superficial aspects of their lives will serve as a light, yet entertaining send off.  For my last official (graded ;)) blog post I will count down some adorable powerhouse athlete couples.  Enjoy!

Maria Sharapova (tennis) and Sahsa Vujacic (NBA)

Although the power from this “powerhouse” couple may be coming all from Maria Sharapova, boyfriend and Lakers basketball player Sahsa Vujacic doesn’t seem to mind too much; (way to be progressive Sahsa).  Despite riding the bench for the Lakers he landed one of the hottest female athletes of the decade who also happens to be on top in the tennis world.  Good for these two!

Mia Hamm (soccer) and Nomar Garciaparra (MLB)

These two have been married since 2003, and although Normar left the Red Sox right before they won it all in 2004, he still has his wife’s two gold medals to look at.  Who says baseball and soccer players can’t get a long!? These two have certainly found a way to make it work.

Heather Mitts (soccer) and AJ Feeley (NFL)

Heather and AJ are currently engaged to be married.  Even though Feeley is a backup QB in the NFL life is far from gloom for him being that his fiancĂ© was named ESPN’s sexiest female athletes of the year and has a couple gold medals to go along with it.  Nothing wrong with the girls running the show in my eyes!

Candace Parker (WNBA) and Sheldon Williams (NBA)

These two love birds have been married since November 2008.  They had their first baby girl back in May of this year; adorable b-ball family; hopefully their little girl has her mother’s and skills on the court though...

Misty May-Treanor (volleyball) and Matt Treanor (MLB)

Married in 2004, this powerhouse couple proves once again that it’s okay for the female to wear the pants in the relationship.  Misty May is well known for her beach volleyball performance (the uniform doesn’t hurt either), winning gold medals and being apart of the winningest female volleyball duo of all time, not the mention the abundance of endorsements she receives.  Hubby Matt Treanor plays in the MLB, but lets just say his greatest accomplishment is landing Misty.    

Amanda Beard (swimming) and Carl Edwards (racing)

Although these two broke up in 2006 they are still a note worthy powerhouse athlete couple.  Although they were only together a short while, with Beard’s seven gold medals and Edwards 40 Nascar wins they could have been the most successful athlete couple of all time!

Andre Agassi (tennis) and Steffi Graf (tennis)

Bring on the tennis couple! Married since 2001, this couple has combined for over 150 titles.  We will be expecting big things for their son and daughter in the future; they have two great coaches after all.

Malia Jones (surfer) and Luke Stedman (surfer)

Malia Jones married the Aussi surfer Luke Stedman in 2007, and has led very successful careers.  They had their first child in 2009 (Spike); not the greatest name, but I’m sure he won’t have any trouble picking up the ladies once he masters the craft of surfing. 

Anna Kournikova (tennis) and Sergi Federov (hockey)

This is Kournikova’s third time getting mention on this blog; props to her for that.  She and Sergi Federov divorced in 2003 after a minute marriage, but she’s been newsworthy for less in her life than this.  Sergi claims they were married in 2001, but Anna says vows were never exchanged. Regardless of what really went down, they’re a fun couple to mention. 

Gabrielle Reece (vollyball) and Laird Hamilton (surfing)

With the longest standing marriage of them all, we have Gabrielle Reece and Laird Hamilton married since 1997.  Reece has been featured in Playboy and Hamilton has been described as “one of the baddest dudes on the planet).  Way to enforce the “good guys finish last” stereotype you two. 

Relationships will come and go, but the pictures you take together will be on the internet forever (lucky for us). 

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